Everyday This is where life happens. Featured Starting a Cottage Garden (From Scratch) Sunday Drive to Black Shed Performing a Laundry Miracle: White Jeans Peak Leaf Nature Walk Why I Like To Drink Mocktails Prioritizing Pictures: How and Why I Do It What I Do To Find Authentic Inspiration Back to School: Time for Sweaters, Coffee, and Books Girls' Lunch at Beach Plum Farm Summer Goals A Surprise From Paris Instant Spring Pick-Me-Up Jewelry Organization Upgrade Festive Feelings A Walk Through A European Christmas Market Capsule 01. Sweater Weather Ecru at the Pumpkin Patch Pumpkin Scouting Guide Weekend at the Goat Farm Frozen Raspberry Margaritas Summer Goals Currently Coziest Christmas Entryway Reveal A Reason to Smile Rouen-Inspired Brunch Snow on February 7th Winter Light in the Kitchen A White Christmas{time} Holiday Family Photos Narrow it down even further: Lifestyle Style Health A. Taylor StudioJune 1, 2013Comment 0 Likes