Ready for Baby: Nursery Reveal
The amount of sheer anticipation building up to meeting Baby G is overwhelming me! I am an amalgamation of ready / not ready, eager / nervous, and calm / basket case. I am going to be a mom! S is going to be a dad! We are doing this!
We are as ready as we can be. All I am praying and hoping for is health and safety for Baby, as well as our entire family. I am deeply channeling it, through positive thinking and mindfulness…as much as I can! Our nursery is almost completely finished, except for a few details like hanging some things up on the wall and minor decorations. We have a beautiful mobile that needs hanging, and some signs that say her name (!!!), which for now is still a surprise. That being said, I wanted to share a few pictures of the nursery before our baby girl graces it with her arrival! Here is our very own nursery reveal!
My nightlight as a newborn. I am so honored and excited to be able to have it in my baby’s room.
Diaper area!
Without really intending it, I think Baby G’s theme has become “Peter Rabbit,” as I explained in this blog post…
The nursery is very WHITE, isn’t it!? Lots of white. I was going for a natural, bright look, with lots of natural textures woven in to soften the whiteness. We have a pretty faux sheep rug, lots of seagrass baskets, a gorgeous wooden mirror, and wood shelving to break up the monotony. All of it ties in nicely with the knotted wood flooring that was installed a few months back. We also have some faux botanicals (al0ng with a real money tree — I believe they are good luck?) for some pops of nature and green. I am hoping that this room is functional, easy to maintain, and stays relatively stain free for the time being (insert laughing emoji here)!
Looking at this post, and all of these pictures of her gorgeous nursery, I realize that we are very, very lucky. The baby that will sleep in here is already so loved, and so well equipped to enter this world. I just need her to get here safe and sound, with health on our side. I am so fortunate to be able to have, afford, and enjoy all of these material things. Moreover, there are so many people that I love that chipped in and gifted some of these items, most of which were picked out myself (and I am a picky, picky person). The amount of generosity shown to us as a family over these last few months has been overwhelming — sometimes hard to even imagine. Baby’s nursery is filled with love from others, filled with special heirloom pieces, and filled with lots of bright happy things to help create memories. We are as ready as we can be! Baby girl, all we need is Y O U to get here!